15. July 2020
The members of the Center Fuel Cell Industrialization (FCI) on RWTH Aachen Campus met at the beginning of July for their regular semiannual meeting. Due to the ongoing corona pandemic, the meeting took place in virtual form.
Already at the beginning of the year, the center has launched a total of 23 individual projects, which are being worked on together with the 17 industrial partners. The first research results from the fields of Balance of Plant, Fuel Cell Stack and System Design were presented at the semiannual meeting. In order to be able to work on individual topics more efficiently and in a more targeted manner, focus groups were set up at the semiannual meeting. These groups were staffed with experts from our industry and research partners and have since then continuously started work.
Even at the semiannual meeting, the Center Fuel Cell Industrialization could welcome Dr. Myron Graw to the management team. Dr. Graw will manage the center in cooperation with Henning Janssen and is also in charge of individual project groups.
We warmly welcome Dr. Graw and wish him success and jy in the upcoming tasks.
We warmly welcome Dr. Graw and wish him success and jy in the upcoming tasks.

Image 1: The new management team of FCI: Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Henning Janssen (left) and Dr. Myron Graw (right)